

A river journey
From its source in the mountains high,
A river begins its journey to the sky,
Born from the melting snow and ice,
It flows with a purpose, calm and nice.

Through the rocky hills, it twists and turns,
Carving its way, the landscape it transforms,
It rushes over boulders, and falls with a roar,
As it cascades downward, towards the shore.

The river meanders through valleys and plains,
Its currents strong, its power unrestrained,
It nourishes the land, bringing life anew,
And the flora and fauna, they all thrive too.

As it flows towards the ocean's vast expanse,
The river slows down, its energy enhanced,
It widens and deepens, calm and serene,
And meets the horizon, where blue meets green.

But even at the ocean's edge, the river's not done,
For it journeys onwards, as part of a larger one,
Its waters cycle and flow, through sun and rain,
And the journey begins again, and again, and again.

© Plasmagrapes