

Adored life..
What are you trying to take note of?

You set about by guiding ups and downs so that walking can be mastered
In the same way the carrier has different shades like rising and falling that should be experienced.

You instructed that education is the basic qualification to be required further
As the time goes on you made me perceive that there are many traits other than qualification to be possessed which are worthier.

Many people say that you are short
But half of the time will be lost without apprehending your purpose and art.

You conveyed that there are roles for different types of people in your journey
Later you made me acknowledge that most of them are fugacious which finally makes me monotony.

You demonstrated that money is prerequisite for survival and it is the most important thing
Later you proved that happiness cannot be attained with money and it is a non monetary thing.

You inaugurated different emotions as the time progresses
You are still trying to conclude that unless they are in control, they will land me up in loneliness.

You always teach to be good with everyone
But you will not make me forget that I'm always bad in the story of someone.

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