

'Wom Am I' the question I asked my existence
The reflection I see, is that the real me?
My identity, a vast pool of fantasy
Trueself hidden deep under the sea
Still so unsure what defines me
To other's, I am a mere rock where..
Their vivid imagination of 'my character' moulds me
But now that their voices have gone silent
I am lonely, their imprints of curiosity lingering all over me
Today I feel surreal, essence of my freedom bursting within
My hesitant bunny, thrilled to unfold my true identity
The path to my destination, unknown but exciting
Nothing can hold me back I became the 'Real Me'
It's difficult but not unimaginable
The journey to discover myself, left me with a motive to exist
Coming so far, with the scars of my past
The mark of my battle, within me, against myself
Self Acceptance, Selflove I Won!
I Won!
#selfacceptance #selfinspiration #writcopoem@disha29