

father's gift to son on father's day
Oh Son where you are, you left home,
played in my lap
My lap is too small for you now ,
your fevorite cake is now too small for you
your cricket bat is now too small for you,
no one may be throwing ball to you to keep you happy
you may be not crying to get your toy
you are no more crying to get your chocolate

Am I crying now to get gift from you on father's day, not really
wheel of life turned now
old child is waiting for your gift on father's day
you remember me
like to sleep on your arm
where you are my son
My son , day is passing by and night is approaching, to dark to see you
you are not coming
My Happiness is you , my dream is you, my peace is you
But I am not now for you , may be you are busy, very busy
God bless you ,