

You've manipulated me so much
You've manipulated me so much
even though I know you've cheated on me
still my brain isn't able to unloved you
I agree my feelings are genuine
you're the one who was playing all the time
still.. a voice from my brain comes
"give him a 2nd chance"
I scream
I screamed
Nooooo he doesn't even deserve a last chance
he left me with a wound when I was already injured
yes my brain isn't still able to accept that
you've ruined the relationship of 3 years
by cheating on me
your hands didn't even shiver before proposing another girl even when you were with me
still you behaved like nothing happend
you behaved casually
said there's nothing serious in between you two
but I know this is not the very first time you have cheated on me
this isn't the last time you're gonna cheat on someone
urghhh my head
everything is aching
you only wanted to fulfill your desire
you only wanted flesh
you bloody meat ball of lust
I wish you would never get love, success or anything you would wish for!!!

© @Aayushi_Yadav