

Without notice
They say “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
I don’t think that’s true, because out of sight out of mind also exists.
They say it’s best to love some people from a distance but the more you put distance between you and someone else the further they grow to no longer having a space in your heart. Or a place in your life.
They become nonexistent.
They become evicted.
They start to exit stage left.
So does the bond, memories, and all the secrets you’ve kept.
Time just keep passing on.
You grow and you move on.
The person you once knew becomes a whole new stranger in your life.
They become a ghost.
Now your heart has to get used to a vacant wound from their eviction.

Time and Life, they’re both pretty funny.
It feels like you have all the time in the world especially with the ones you love.
Unfortunately that is not always the case.
Unfortunately that is not always true.
You could be super tight with someone.
So tight, you’d think your bond with the person is made of super glue.
Then things change.
People change.
Things start to fade away out of the blue.
That’s because life happens.
Time happens.
Change happens.
Evictions happens.

The longer you go without something or someone the more easier it gets to learn to embrace their absence.
The longer you go without something or someone the more you’ll either appreciate or under appreciate their absence.
You’ll either celebrate or mourn their absence.
When it comes to the heart it can’t do half-anything as it has such a strong capacity to love so deeply.
But when it notices a change and a huge distance. When it notices a huge gap it starts to either break or adapt.

The mind helps the eviction process get better though it helps the heart accept the hard truths that it may not want to accept. Once that happens they both start to evict people that no longer serves a purpose in our life. As they both gradually start to let go.
When it comes to love nobody want to full-blown love somebody that only half-loves them.
Nobody want to be a fool.
Nobody want to love too hard, just for it to not be appreciated in return.
Nobody want to be a sucker for love and acceptance.
That kind of behavior would be the perfect cause for an eviction.

Evictions start to take place when there’s no longer a place for a loved one.
Evictions start to take place when the bond just isn’t what it once was.
Evictions start to take place when you’re not beneficial to someone else.
Evictions start to take place when you’ve just simply grown a part from a cherished one.
If you’re low on payments like respect, love, time, attention, connection, trust, communication, etc. You will face an eviction.

When you’re out of their sight.
When you’re out of their mind
When they’re not giving you time.
You’ll become out of their life.
And you will be evicted without notice.
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