

Fight on my son
Rise up my son
Rise up off the ground,
You have to keep fighting
And never back down.

Think not of those ahead
But those behind you must protect,
Pave the path to victory
And your goals you must not neglect.

You must fight the battle of life
That is far from done,
The journey ahead has just started
And the war fought has not yet been won.

Set your spirit ablaze
And keeping moving on,
For the trials of life keep coming
And it is not over till they are all gone.

Steady your breathing
As well as your mind,
For when it is all over
The treasure called victory you shall find.

If ever you feel broken
Upon this torn battlefield,
Muster the strength to move forward
And don’t ever yield.

Heed my words my son
And stray not from what needs to be done,
Live life with no regret
And fight through until you have won.

© KJ Petaia