

Why do people do bad things? Answer this question by writing a poem.

Being that we are human beings
born in sinful ways
yet we are innocent at birth
but as a child being disobedient you don't live long
being with the shoe on the other foot
not all was taught by their parents or guardians the correct way to live
understanding that they are still young and learning as well
but do that give us the right to make bad decisions by doing bad things
physically mentally or emotionally to yourself or to others
knowing that we have freedom of speech and free will to decide whether we do the right thing or the wrong thing
yet sometimes the wrong things seems to be good at the time without thinking of the consequences
vice versa some good things could be wrong without thinking of the consequences
so doing bad things depends on the power of your subconscious mind and how much control that you have over your conscious mind
yet we don't always go through the pros and cons before making a decision
that I call moving off of impulse
making impulsive decisions without thinking it through
© Tea-Tea