

World of not possible things
Language has many words,
Words are meaningful alphabet,
If we combine words,
then we can make a sentence.
Using sentences,
we can share our thoughts,
Thoughts are of two types with two conditions,
Negative or positive,
Possible or not possible,
Everyone does possible things,
But no one tries to do the not possible one,
There are more not possible works Than possible ones,
Flying without any device - not possible,
Making yourself invisible - not possible,
Walking without feet - not possible,
Kissing without a lip - not possible,
All people getting united - not possible, Everyone's spirit igniting - not possible,
No one lying to anyone - not possible,
Everyone trusting strangers - not possible,
A world without war - not possible,
A world without graves - not possible,
A world without negative people - not possible, A world without sadness - not possible,
There are many words and statements Which are not possible,
and many more
We can't accomplish all,
But we can achieve some of all,
it's a hope of courrage
our planet will succeed again!!
© the juniors