

I AM YOU...🫵🏻

In the twilight's gentle embrace,
I linger, a silent trace.
From dawn's first light to evening's fall,
I've watched you, shadowed through it all.

Your youthful laughter, once so bright,
Now softened by the years' quiet might.
I stand beside, a faithful shade,
Witness to the life you've made.

Each wrinkle tells a story old,
Of dreams pursued and moments bold.
In your triumphs and your fears,
I've been with you through all these years.

As time weaves its intricate thread,
I feel the weight of words unsaid.
Yet still, I stay, a loyal friend,
From life's beginning to its end.

For you are me, and I am you,
In every shadow, every hue.
Together we've faced the night,
And welcomed each new morning light.

© RV Patil