

In twilight's hush, where shadows dance,
We gather, hearts entwined by trance.
With trembling hands, we bid adieu,
A bittersweet embrace we knew.

Like leaves of autumn, hues so bright,
Our moments shared, a fleeting sight.
Laughter's echo, sweet and bold,
Now fades to memories we shall hold.

Through paths once trod, we'll walk alone,
The weight of absence, silent moan.
Yet in our hearts, your presence lingers,
A gentle warmth that time won't finger.

We've shared so much, through joy and pain,
A tapestry of love, an eternal stain.
Though distance now may separate,
Our bond unbreakable, a sacred fate.

With every step, we turn and gaze,
Upon the past, a bittersweet maze.
The tender moments, cherished deep,
Etched in our souls, a secret we keep.

But even in this parting's sting,
A glimmer of hope, a tender wing.
For in our dreams, we'll meet once more,
And memories will forever adore.

Like stars that twinkle in the night,
Our friendship's flame will shine so bright.
Though time may dim its earthly glow,
The bond we forged can never go.

So let us say goodbye, with tearful grace,
Embracing both the joy and heartache's trace.
For in the tapestry of life's grand scheme,
Our paths may cross, a distant dream.

And as we bid farewell, with heavy heart,
May love and gratitude forever part.
Through every mile, and every passing day,
Our friendship's light will guide our way.
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