

Every ticking second on a motorcycle is like a ticking bomb placed on the right-hand side of my heart,
Exploding like firecrackers reminding me of something buried far deep in my heart,
This nasty feeling that something might happen again never leaves my heart,
My skin crawls and it sometimes it feels like my soul is escaping my body,
Everytime I come across these big snow trucks on the road my heart jumps a hundred metres away from me and I get this feeling as if it's tyres are crushing me over the road,
Helpless, scared and dead I feel.
Face your fears and over come it they say,
There's no damn way I'm gonna hop on that thing ever again.
over my dead body

© Earthie🥰
Hi my lovely Fam, I'm happy to share this with you and I have another version which I will be sharing soon.