

A Soft Hazy Lust
The soft soothing color of red running down your body. Making you feel warm and make you lust for it. You climb into bed feeling it all and you close fantazing about it.. Rubbing your chest.. pushing its arms around your waist. You let out a soft sigh and lick your lips slowly, imagining it's soft sunset lips against your neck, the coolness of it's morning finger tips making you shiver as it runs it's hands down your backside.. You softly tremble in fear of losing it then you grip the sheets lusting for it more. You turn slowly as if to turn for it to reach completely around you pressing it's skin against yours. You open your eyes and feel the coldness of the blue come rushing in making you gasp for air making you close your eyes and wish for the sweet cherry to come back.. praying it will come back..