

Typical Horror Story.
This is a typical horror story.
With monsters and ghosts and deadly creatures of the night.
It's a story about the closet monster and the ceiling ghost.
Of a little girl with a revernce for the dark nights.
A strange revernce some may say.
She waits patiently for her best friends that only appear at night and together every night, they speak in hushed tones of adventures and unimaginable secrets.
Of stolen bodies and severed limbs.
Of little girls just like her that never got home after a day in the park.
She would listen with rapt attention to every detail, until they imprinted in her brain like perfect pictures.
And just before the crack of dawn her best friends would disappear like they were never there.
And so the little girl grew, and it became her time to go on an adventure.
A perfect adventure for her perfect self.
It would be her first, but surely not her last.
Her best friends urged her...
"Pick a time and place" they said.
"Pick a victim" they whispered.
So that night, when her older brother came for his nightly 'snack' that he took from between her young legs,
she took a knife and plunged into his beating heart.
And when he fell she took it out and did it again...
And again...
And again...
And again...
Until his torso looked like galaxies with tiny little stars.
And his face looked like the perfect image of desolate land.
To the little girl, it was the most beautiful sight she ever beheld.
Her mother walked in that night and in her eyes, her daughter looked no different from a monster.
Her demeanor a ghost of the person she knew.
With bloody hands and a crazed look in her eyes.
With the ramblings of a mad woman on the tip of her tongue.
This abomination was no child of hers.
Taken into custody, no evidence was found.
No finger prints and no genetic evidence.
And so she walked free, with her closet monster and ceiling ghost by her side.

© Ema(Mae)