

Wish I Could..
Wish I could mend this shattered heart,
But love's demise ripped it apart.
Wish I could escape this painful ache,
Unable to cope up, my soul does break.

Wish I could turn back the hands of time,
To when your love was forever mine.
Wish I could erase every tear I shed,
But heartbreak lingers like ghosts, undead.

Wish I could find solace in the night,
But memories haunt, refusing respite.
Wish I could forget your tender touch,
But the ache persists, it hurts so much.

Wish I could silence these echoing dreams,
Of what we were, and what love once gleams.
Wish I could numb this throbbing pain,
But the heartache persists, driving me insane.

Wish I could heal this damaged soul,
But love's betrayal takes its heavy toll.
Wish I could mend the pieces that remain,
Unable to cope up, drowning in love's stain.

Wish I could mend the fragments of our past,
But your absence leaves a void that will last.
Wish I could find strength to start anew,
But the failure in love keeps me subdued.

Wish I could find a way to finally cope,
But heartbreak's grip tightens its cruel rope.
Wish I could heal, and love again someday,
But for now, in the shadows, I will stay.

© Imaginoid