

♡ P.s I love you ♡
Who knew one person could effect you in so many ways...

You walked into my life and stayed so much longer then expected, not that I'm complaining that you did,
Ever since you came around home isnt just 4 walls with a roof , my home is now a warm body, welcoming open arms,late night drives, cozy conversations ,repetitive sounds of heart beats, a gentle smile, trickles of your fingers running threw my hair making there way down my spine, tickling me sending shivers threw out my entire body.

I'm happy and safe, for once... What a reassuring feeling it is to be wanted, and warm, and loved.

I awake every morning , staring at you In awe as you slowly wake up, "how does someone like me, get someone like you"?
At times I find it hard to believe.. I have to blink a couple times to remind myself that this isn't a dream, your really there ...your really mine.. You say my name so sleepy and calm and
I just quiver with excitement and my cheeks go all rosey, my heart jumping out of my chest, my body can barely contain itself from just Touching you.

People walk up to me and say your name and all I can think of are 3 little words... 3 words that can't even fathom my thoughts or feelings for you anymore..." I love you"...
Those 3 words start taking over other words and the meaning behind them

"Drive safe"
"Did you eat ?"
"How was your day?"

For now I love you will have to work, until I can find words that mean so Much more, till I am able to give you the world and prove the words I say , every single second ,minute, hour of my life, i will try to be better for you, for me, for us, I will cherish every second spent with you, I will admire your motivation ,confidence, and personal depth... I will be here always , after all how could I not be?
You have made me a better person, you have thought me new things about myself and challenge me everyday to work on myself, you've held my hand and walked downs long paths that are dark and frightening and never once turned to run away from me .
So I will do the same for you.. Always, I will cross oceans, and climb the highest mountains for you, I will be the best because frankly your the best I've had , the best I'll ever have .
I have told you all that you need to know for now..
Well keep growing and we will be happier,stronger, grow more beautiful , and understanding each day, learning new things and falling madly in love ...
My mom used to tell me live is a life time adventure ... Well
I am excited for are incredibly long lifetime adventure baby~

P.s I love you.