

Prime Ribeye Bass

In the quiet of the morning
On a lake so still and calm
Lies a fish with grace and beauty
That could only be called a charm
With scales of vivid silver
And a body sleek and strong
This creature knows its purpose
In the waters it belongs
It's the mighty Prime Ribeye Bass
A symbol of respect
For it holds a sacred meaning
That we must not neglect
For every time we cast a line
And pull it from the depths
We must honor this majestic fish
And the respect it begets
In the eyes of some, it's just a meal
A simple catch for the day
But to others, it's a sacred act
That we must do in a certain way
For the Prime Ribeye Bass is more
Than just a fish to eat
It's a symbol of our connection
To nature's mighty beat
As we savor each succulent bite
Let us remember its sacrifice
And give thanks to the Creator
For this gift that is so nice
So next time you catch a Bass
Remember what it stands for
Respect, gratitude, and reverence
In every river, lake, and shore
Let the Prime Ribeye Bass
Be a lesson to us all
To treat every living creature
With respect, big or small.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©Dr. Dashaun Snipes
® Prime Ribeye Bass
© Son Of The Mourning