

Screwed Up Again Today
I'm not the one in charge of my own situation
And I'm not the one with control over my emotions
I don't have a voice inside of my own head
But I got pleanty others to listen to instead
You see, you don't, you can't, you shan't
I went to war today and lost
My demons defeated me but they ain't me
And they're the very same ones that you fight with every night

I wish I could be a better brother and son
I pray every night for more strength to come
But I never feel it coming
And it never does show
But if these demons think that they're winning then they're in for a show
I may be down on the ground, defeated, discouraged,
And my blood all around, it's filling my lungs,
My knees sure are weak, my soul is weary,
I've cried enough to flood a whole city
My strength is gone I can't even swallow
Back my tears or down my sorrow
I may drown my sorrow tomorrow and add some vomit to this whole mess
And demons may parade on my cold dead chest
But I have a father with the breath of life,
And even as I'm writing I'm coming back to life
He formed me in my mother's womb,
My hairs he knows them every one,
My smile he crafted and eyes he perfected
My body is a temple to him and his glory.
So dance all you want my demons,
But He's counting your breaths and you don't have many left

So sure I'm defeated and I'm determined
My free will is gone it's all depleted
But oh my soul is not my own anymore
I've handed it over the the Lord the Lords
He fights for me
And this is my contribution to the war effort—
A prayer every time I lose my hope and a demon runs away with it held close
My prayer is this "Abba I screwed up again, but you haven't given up on me, so please give me the strength I need to not give up on me. I have a life worth living, let me be reminded, I'm loved and dear to you my father. I'll never quit you, you'll never quit me."