

Wishes ; what are they ?
Wishing to have someone forever but what if they don't want to stay?

Wishing is so unconditional it has no limits
It's all about you and how you connect to the spirits

I don't believe in wishing
I used to but not anymore
Because I wished once so hard and cried for it to the point where my throat got sore

Wishing is actually not that bad
It's a ray of hope which for a long while I had

What is life without a wishfull thought ?
They say a wish made while watching a shooting star is never broken
But i guess that apportunity i never caught

But one can never stop wishing
We wish, we plan, we organise our big moments even if our loved ones are missing

It's beautiful how we never Stop wishing despite all the unfulfilled wishes that just stare into our eyes
We shift our gaze from them and pretend as if they don't exist; but they actually do and unfortunately dies
© MayAp