

Trimester Jesters
Ringing in my mind is an Indelible melody.
Originating from the place I found my true identity.
Standing tall in the community for all to see.
A venust castle rented to you and me.

In through the front doors, a gathering of masters.
Deputies in their own specialties, Strategically driven by the head crafters.
Preventing the delinquent staff from committing felonies.

Flooded with civilian laughter.
Until, the hierarchy drops in with excess penalties.
The royal blood stops by regularly reigning disaster.
They always cook up a mixed recipe.

Misguided and dragooned.
Melting with the music.
Oppressed by a whole platoon.
Imposing an unkempt ordinance until we grew sick.

They didn't bother to learn the shops rules.
Portrayed to be total fools.
Leaving nicks and chips in our invaluable jewels.
Written reports detailed opuscule.

The abrupt raid disrupted the relaxing tune.
Treated as civilians in uniformed tunics.
Raised demands before exiting so soon.
Given a test of dedication to be proven.

Our mentors know how to handle a shift in beat.
Each adjustment is implemented skillfully.
They don't know how to accept defeat.
They see through their hardships ever so diligently.

Preserved by those working through their fears.
The serenity of our establishment is kneaded into the atmosphere.
