

The trees are dancing and prancing
In front of my windows,
As goosebumps comes to me
When the cold wind blows.
The stars in the sky always
Smiles at me,
Trying to come down
And hug me with glee.
The raindrops came and touched
my cheeks,
Coming and going was all they did after giving a kiss.
How beautiful the nature is,
Trying to bring my mood back--
And bring back the love in me which I lack.
I scolded them once but for that,
I had to dance with them twice.
A small boy came running
And took away some mangoes from the ground,
Before going, looked at me
And by holding ears went running.
My ecstacy went on higher level,
When I saw thunder came in the sky,
The stars started hiding cause they twinkled after they lied.
Lied whom you know??? 'THUNDER'
I started laughing loudly and suddenly did happen a blunder.
Water fell on my face and I woke up,
My mom standing with tea in the cup.
I hugged mom and closed my eyes
And smiling I winked at all those guys.