

One last time.
Before we go our separate ways.
I have one last request.
And it's going to be the last thing I'll ever ask of you.
Can we sit on a rooftop for one last time and talk.
I don't need closure.
I don't want to know why you did, what you did.
For one last time I just want to lie on your shoulder and look up at the stars.
For one last time I just want to feel like I'm yours again.
For the last time, I want us to laugh as if it were the day we first met.
I just want to close my eyes and feel you right next to me.
I want us to talk and remember the good old days before we leave them in the past.
We won't talk about the future at all.
Wrap your arms around me one more time.
Hold me closely for one last time.
I'll whisper one last 'I love you' and you won't have to say it back.
Before I say goodbye to you forever.
Just be mine.
For one last time.

© janet k.