

Ember's Legacy
She rises from the ashes,
Donning infinite avatars,
Sending the vile searching for cover,
And begging for mercy...

In a world where dreams and truth collide,
We meet Ember Rage, a hero's pride.
She hates injustice, fights for what's right,
Creating a world where justice shines bright.

Ember's heart is gentle, her world so calm,
A shelter where fairness is easily found.
But watch out for those who break her trust,
Her dark power awakens, turning hearts to dust.

People search for Ember's peaceful land,
Escaping a world that feels out of hand.
Tired of unfairness, they want to find,
A place where fairness wins, leaving pain behind.

In this poem, an important lesson we find,
Be fair and kind, to all humankind.
With kindness and empathy, let's unite,
But be cautious when trust takes flight.

Stand against unfairness, help those in need,
Creating a world where love and compassion lead.
When we work together, hand in hand,
We can overcome any challenge that may stand.

So let's learn from Ember, her courage so true,
Encourage fairness, let it shine through.
In a world where dreams and reality appear,
May justice succeed, in hearts good and sincere.

© Ember Rage