

Some feelings are hard to let go,
Some are challenging to hold onto,
The embrace of the morning bed,
The warm touch of the morning sun,

If love can crown, so can crucify,
If love can depart, so can brew,
the love of leaves and beans,
I'm a teaholic, you see,
It's a magic potion that materializes,
After a thousand sacrifices,
For a precise moment,
If blessed,
before the eruption of the golden magma,
It become a daily ritual,
The message form the death note beside,
the cooled lava, it says,

"We become friends through acceptance,"
I, milk, my friend water.
As Blake said,
Excess of sorrow laughs,
Excess of joy weeps,
My fleeting bliss clouded by the touch,
Of an unwelcome guest called red flame,
My world transformed into a living hell,
corpses unseen, screams unheard,
I watched my friend's soul ascend,
A part of me departing,
For my continued existence, but in solitude,
What else can I do but grasp,
The hand of my friend,
Offering myself, a willing sacrifice.
A fury of broken friend!
what is it to you?, but a strain!

- Milk "

Dew on the front mirror,
in early winter's hush,
droplets descend,
painting a trail of pathway,
to embrace the beauty of the "astra,"
born in the heart of September,
cloaked in lavender,
shivering in the cold breeze's dance,
water from my sprinkler,
meets the soft light of the sun,
and the flower shimmers.

"I lingered here all night,
no blanket, no muffler,
how does the touch of frigid water feel,
when hypothermia's grip takes hold?
Sunrays stuck in the traffic,
blocked by morning's dew,
I love water in the summer,
behold the irony, of blake,
dunk him in the river, he who loves water!
I crave not water nor food,
just a spot beside you by the campfire's glow,
my feelings unspoken, my cries unheard,
how do I seem to you? but A smiling girl

- astra "

© davence_hackwell

#WritcoQuote #poem #nature #Feelings #writer #Love&love #writco