

The Devils soul
I heard the devil scream in terror and in fright
Faced with the fury of every innocent life
Those that didn’t deserve to die with so many only young
A metamorphosis of souls that mutated into one

Towering over the devil eyes connect with but a glance
A colossal crack filled the air the devil had no chance
Two all mighty hands like those of the gods above
Tearing and twisting like a raging bull out for blood

Beaten black and blue until no longer able to scream
His lasts words muttered were merciful it would seem
But it’s was too late for the devil to give repent
His body lay broken lifeless and backwards bent

He’s own hounds of hell gnawed on every bone
Once a fearsome devil now finally overthrow
The fires wore out but smouldered on for years
A Hell full of dense smoke became nothing but ashes

The souls of the dead drifted away gracefully
For Hell was a place with nothing left to see
Time passed on with the story’s of down below
As myth and legend speak of the devils evil soul

Until present day every culture having its own
Story of a devil that can take an innocent soul
No longer a being part of the physical universe
Still his soul hangs around like a everlasting curse

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