

How Do I Cope?
My mind doesn't know
How to cope

To cope with the lonely and the hopeless thoughts that run right through me
Driving me crazy

If only I'd put them to bed

How do I cope? How do I hope?
All I want is unconditional love, unconditional loving me my love I want you to love me more than when, yeah when

All I want is someone
To help pick me off the floor, when they see I'm more than that, more than being on the floor more than, well more than being the floor.

All I want is to pick between two doors, one is I love you more than you will ever love me back, and the other you love me back. You love me back with such unbelievable force that even the tundra winds of the north couldn't force us apart.

I don't know how to cope, every day I lose hope that you could ever look at me with those eyes that you lay on a book or a story of more glory than you or I could ever hope. Eyes in your mind lost in the sky lost in the everlasting light at the end of the tunnel that you hope to catch, perfecting the tunnel along the way so that when you find the light at the end you will surely be able to make it back again and again and again and again.........

I don't know how I'll cope, I've lost all hope and now I think it's too late to try and reach out, expecting you to reach your arm out when you were really just stretching from the couch, not paying any mind as I lose my mind from the deep black hole of myself that I will never escape, never erase, never replace with a million trillion wonderful memories that you and I could've made and could've strived to create.

But you are gone on your mission to Mars and beyond while I sit here patiently waiting, not knowing how to cope
© M.D.V.G