

Built by the Frost
I'm cold there's no colder no colder than me
I'm stone like the boulder there's no boulder but me
Leaving no stone unturned when I shoulder the weight
Beyond all comparison I've mastered my hate
I've mastered my rage there is no debate
The thing that I am there is no mistake
The greater I be
Greater to come and greater you'll see
Greater for good but greater for me
In dark is my hood the moon's craters don't speak
The moon hates us don't Breathe
I relate in a way that makes us unease
I shake up at ease I step to the scene and they shake up at these
So know that I'm cold I'm cold to the touch
Don't touch me its much the frigid turns dust into dust
The frost will consume the blood will combust
The fire from Hell the Snow from the gust
I stand in Myself it is in me that I trust
At the end of it all I stand at The End cuz I Must

#Cold #Frigid #Hardened
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