

You see that woman who birthed me,
She has been the epitome of a prayer warrior,
Those superwomen who flies without wings,
More like lillies growing on water streams,
The safest place in the universe

Through thick and thin to eternity,
Because when I needed a place to crash,
I crashed on her womb for full 9 months,
And she gave me the warmest blanket,
Through the placenta of her womb

When I needed a pillow for comfortability,
Her chest and arms became available
I got my first course meal through her breast,
Sweet and warm like it has been microwaved,
As she looked into my eyes full of love

Every time I needed love and attention,
She would kiss my forehead,
And say "I got you girly"
26 years later she still got my back
I am truly loved

© HOPE.N❤️