

we’ve banished peace in our land
we’ve imprisoned our humanity
we’ve silenced our conscience
we’ve paid a death ear to the warning trumpet

We have neutralised unity with egoism, nepotism, self-centredness
We have debased ourselves
what happen to what our holy books preached
To love one another in outreach

Humanity is older than any tribe, language or religion
I fear that some traditional rulers, have used us
I fear that some politicians have scammed us
By using the differences between us, to divide us and then go behind the door to kill us
They prefer power and riches over the interest of many they have breached the peace that keeps us

They publicly say that, peace is the only option and solution
And we’d say ‘ayeeeeee’!!signifying support to the motion
But they go behind closed doors and give ammunitions
To the bad eggs among us in my nation
For their selfish ambition!!hmmmm their hearts have been darkened
It is far better to grasp the universe as it is than to persist in delusion,

kidnapping becomes widespread
Banditry becomes widespread
These are the enemies of our land, killing innocent souls
Blood gushing like a spring, from a no birth rock
The rivers, wells and the seas all coloured red
So many wives have turned widow, husbands have turn widower
Countless children, parentless and homeless

A genocide made like a felicide
We build more orphanage than schools, nigeria?its time to decide
Peace is the only option
Graveyard visit is now like every second, with no decline
When we are in a cranny, how can we stretch our laps in a kiln
While been burnt like a pile of woods
Why do we allow ourselves to be used as political thatch
And afterwards then incinerated like stack of rubbish bags
When we are brothers and sisters and their conduit to the top!
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