

Tears Falling
As I heard the names
As I saw the parents
Tears started to fall
For the names
Of the fallen
Our fallen brothers
Our brothers and sisters
Soldiers in arms
Defending our country
Our freedoms
Our way of life
As I saw the caskets
Draped in flags
Of America
Tears fell
My heart slowed
My soul hurt
As I saw the indifference
Of our leaders
I thought of rage
But sadness set in instead
Sadness of the indifference
For hero of a country
A country that could careless
Of their sacrifice
I say to you
See my tears
Know the pain of their parents
Know the pain of every veteran
Know we may not carry their name
But they are our brothers and sisters
Know their family is our family
And we are proud
To say they are our heroes
They are our inspiration
They are the stars of heaven
Their parents are true gold star
My tears still fall
For your loss

© Robert prezioso
#afganistan # Abby gate # Goldstar family