

In a hurry passing by

Gracious gales play with eastern ascending sun.
Frigid stinging chill;
Indian summer gust.
Billowy pillowy dawn colored clouds; semblance of a detonation.
Dragon buttered fireflies greet the blossoming petals.
Soaring birds take to the stark blue sky, in a hurry, passing by.

As above, so below.
A northern star extends its salutary light. Fresh water rivers overflow off the mountainside into salty swaying seas. Rising moon from descending sun.
A Great Barrier Reefs underwater snowstorm takes place.
The oceans inundated with the creation of life.
Furious rain storms of torrent waves or calm tides.
Whichever temperament the fish they go paddling, in a hurry, passing by.

Aroused, the previously short cold lightning is now fierce.
Long lasting volts assist in the fervent summer wind.
Three elements jump start from seedling to sapling, planting a crown on each one it excites.
They move behind destruction caused what is unnatural hungry plundering all it's resources.
An angry Fire roars through with fury. Tearing and blazing in a hurry passing by.
Ashes and mist are dust from every order.
Forceful floods drown the Oxygen. Powder from the earth, blanket the headdresses of the trees. What was blazing runs through the breeze, in a hurry, passing by.

As within, so without.
Mother Earth, the right to name, aiding and allowing our existence.
The absolute, she is nourishment; every sigh to every breath taken.
As time passes before we go, in a hurry we went passing by.
Be good to earth. Love one another; hurry before it goes passing by.

© littlelisastar