

I must ask a question. Perhaps not just one but more. What makes a woman? Femininity should be her crown not her weapon. Pray forgive me if I offend yet in this ever bustling modern world young girls find themselves lost even yearning for something more. I have but one request for I fear this could become quite a mess. There is a war brewing or perhaps it has already begun. If you have not the eyes to see then it would not be plain to you as it is to me. It has indeed become a rarity for my female colleagues to eagerly walk beside a man as a partner and friend. Today femenity has been twisted into something it was never meant to be. Men and Women so diffetent yet so greatly loved by the man above. Motherhood is not without its value just as a Father comes home from a long days toil and his children come to greet him on his own soil. You see the only oppression is that which the mind creates. Therefore I ask again what is a woman?