

My Hope

I’m down on my knees

Nothing is left here with me,

All that I had has vanished.

Hope- You’re my last Hope.

Hope- stay with me

Hope- instill faith in me.

Hope- convince me that everything

Is going to be alright.

Hope – let your luminary shine bright,

Let’s your beam shine before me.

Hope – hold my hand, lead the way before me

Lead the way to my bright future,

As I’m leaving the land of distress behind,

Heading right to the land that flows

Milk and honey.

Now I trust you more than anything.

Nor, I won’t ever trust a man even money

Man turns to change like a shadow,

Money can grow wings and soar away.

My hope, I put my trust in you because you won’t,

Lead me astray.

You the only hope that I’ve got.

Hope – comfort, sooth my soul.

Hope – heal the internal wounds in my soul

Promise me you won’t going to abandon me,

Just like they did.

I trust you My Hope!

I will live in you my Hope,

Because, Hope you’re my everything!

-Sthembiso Sydney Msezane.
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