

Reopen your eyes, refocus your mind,
They Kill for their gods, and love for their pride.
The spokes in the tire of freedom that's blind
They Open up spots on the roughing of time.

To build on their flaws it's punishing prime.
To deal to their flock these drugs undefined.
Rewriting the law of the process of life
Revoking the Ma'at so da'at undefined.

They're Bogarting paper made for disperse.
Rob thee my neighbor and Rape mother earth.
Abolish all nature, spray air with nerve -
Toxing the staples of diet in dirt.

The Gaia we know, is dying sweet slow,
Psychopaths with flags flying each low.

Reopen your mind, refocus your eyes,
The whole of the crime the nulling of Life Program society, tip toe of what died.
Killing the sheep for a dulling of light.

© Christopher Newport Brackett