

In an hectic city ,
a country much gifted with luminosity,
in here, we gat celebrities,
celebrities that loves bounties and treaties,
valiant men who fled calamities
legends who crave futilities,
buh yours was an exceptionality,
with this swaggered legends you gat no idiosyncrasies.

You were born,
to the family that cherished you ,their son
you glowed and shimmer in the day like sun,
and vehemently beat against their necks , even when the day is gone
you never gave your family any reason to mourn
in all music genres, i call you all in One
cause you're a champion,
a low-key fox that twitches the twigs with fire and make cougars run.

You ain't like a tea bag
that just frail and sags
you never lag,
You ain't a person to be pelted with rags
you coax the heart of the music forest like a stag,
to afrobeats, you are like a flag.
you ain't someone who brags,
not like drabs whose tails wags,
cause of the clouts of the cloud they need in their bags.

A king is depicted by his name "Adedamola"
a name that scares the gruesome gorilla,
a name that describes a person that ain't with hags similar,
that silence the noises of iguanas,
a name that buds many productive colours like a flower.
A name inscribed on power,
a name that makes them screech every hour,
buh them all are dreamers
they chasing a lion with no bullet in their revolver.

A king is meant to dine things sumptuous,
stay away from things calamitous,
Make all days to himself gracious
buh he gat to be conscious
of vultures
that look so haggard, lazy and scurrilous
but they aim at things nutritious
they have that heart, so callous
they gat evil things in their heart, that protruded their oesophagus
they revere your status
but they never want you as boss
you know em , they're malicious,
so ,they can do things delirious
to stop a thing from being prosperous.

Their grudges are vapid,
they bark and fight rags like rabids
but the truth is clear and lucid,
whenever you saunter out to or proceed,
all drabs and jejunes remain morbid.
You don't do yours as selfish creed
neither do you aggravate other person's achievements with greed.

Evergreen as the green meadow,
a puerile man that divides and winnows
the eagles from the sparrows
with your songs, no more sorrows
you lead by example, others follow
no ruler, no sage, no runt can overthrow
cause your knowledge of music and artistry is never shallow
you scared them and made them mellow
and you keep em back in their cage, the canaries yellow.

Your first album was indeed a goosebump to those who listened well
Tho many stood, but alas most fell
so many stories i couldn't tell
the f**king drabs rant and go to hell
Now you're tryna go out your shell
and vehemently smother the numbskulls who yell.....

Apollo is not only an epitome of excellently packaged magnificence
It made em runts respect your career thence
To humbugs , the tracks are nonsense
but they are the one who's absolutely got no sense.

Catastrophe befalls your foes
you continue to soar as you go
may your boat of melody never sink as you row
Your source shall not be stagnant but shall flow
no one can overthrow
continue to grow
and never you be lethargic like Winnie the Pooh...

You maintain your humility by God's grace
You glow and get the foes dazed
You get them bewildered in the puzzling maze
you make them look on you at slight gaze
Animalistic brunts with patches face
your glory they are tryna chase
they searching for how you made your ways
and how you continually win em, day by day.

Fireboy Dml, valiant is thine father
a wellspring of glamour is she that conceived you
you are a pace setter for your brothers
and those who look up to you
Others want to decipher your blunders,
Your lovers are few
Oh!, we thank your momma
She gave us our " you"
that showers peace to the heart of men like a dew.
I think it's high time I'm through...
With the act of writing i wooed,
On this poetry i dedicate to you.........

© Abimbola TML