

"Now and then"(Written by Diana Goldovniuk)
You know, I dreamed about you
I dreamed about you
I wish I could see you again
And tell you who I am now
who you are you now?
You were then
And I am here now.

I wish I could see you
I wish I could see
And close my eyes
And feel you inside me
You are me and I am you
I was you
And now we are me
This is who you are now.

Can you fall down
And see us now here?
You are me and I am you
I wish I could feel you in me
You were someone different
But, now you are me
I wish you could come back
To my dream
And I would tell how much
I want to be you.

You are then
And I am now
Look at me, if you can
This is who you became
I wish I could open my soul
And feel you in me
I wish I could close my eyes
And start moving like you
And feel who I was before
I was here in that body.

My heart belongs to you
I want to close my eyes
And start dancing
Like I am not myself
Like I am you
The one I was before...

© All Rights Reserved to Diana Goldovniuk