

Sunflower Fallen
I planted you from seed
Watched you grow
Gave you life
With hope I sowed
A dream, a wish
A promise
To protect from pests
And bad weather
You grew so tall
So close to blooming
So close to flowering
So close to maturing
In my anticipation
I did not anticipate
The storm that was brewing
You were strong
But the storm was stronger
I assumed you could weather
Whatever blew through
Until the winds got mighty
And blew over you
And there I found you
Cracked and knocked over
Beautiful sunflower
Struck down in its finest hour
You needed support
Something to lean on
And in a way we all do
We are sunflowers too
We can look strong
We can grow tall
But without support
Or someone to lean on
We don’t stand a chance
When severe storms arrive
When we are alone
We are exposed
The wind blows harder
When plants don’t grow together
Sorry sunflower
I should have known better
Next year when I plant you
You’ll grow among others
So when the storms try
To strike you down
You’ll be fortified
By your family all around


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