

My Golden boy
My Golden boy
He is like the sun,
Shining brightly,
Making the whole world seems
Brighter with his presence,
His smile could make
The kings bow down,
When he walks
The ground lay still
Just to feel his presence ,
The earth whispers
His name,
His eyes,
About him,
You asked me
Who was I?
Where was I in the story?
Well i was one of those million sunflowers
Who would wake every morning
Just to feel his light
Just to see him smile
And just like the sun
He will never notice me.

This poem is about certain someone who's like very special to me but I can't even talk to him. He is gorgeous and everything but he's too far and shining the brightest among the stars and here I am. He won't ever even know that I exist. Tell me if you can relate to this feeling? I will be waiting for ur reply!

#love #heartbreak #Onesidedlove
#crush #lovekaira

© love kaira