

Echoes of the Earth
Rising oceans, a warming globe,
Savage storms, a tale unfolds,
A cry from the deep, a silent plea,
Nature’s warning in the wild, fierce sea.Melting ice, a distant shore,
Whispers of change we can't ignore,
Forests burn, rivers rise,
Underneath these troubled skies.Creatures lost, their homes erased,
The rhythm of life falls out of place,
Yet in the chaos, a message clear,
The earth is speaking—can we hear?We stand at the edge of a shifting fate,
A chance to act before it's too late,
For in our hands, the future lies,
To heal the wounds beneath our skies.So let us rise, with hearts aware,
To mend the earth with tender care,
For in each choice, in every hand,
We hold the hope to heal the land....
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