

The Cornfield
The creepy aura sent shivers up my spine,
when ever a noise erupted I always checked my behind,
the height of the corn basically made me blind,
if I were to die my body would be hard to find.

as I stumbled across a scarecrow I looked up frightened,
I tried to move away but my body had tightened,
the sadistic grin that this scarecrow wore,
I move in closer eager to explore.

As I turned around reaching for my backpack,
a really strange vibe made me want to look back,
I slowly turned afraid of what I'd see,
theacarecrow had gone disappeared completely.

Scared as all hell I tried to escape,
looking around I swear I saw his shape,
a scream erupted filling the air,
as I broke through the last bit of corn he was standing there.

A smile on his face going from ear to ear,
I was frozen in my tracks much like a deer,
I stood there unsure of what I could do,
I had really put myself in a terrible issue.

I turned around again thinking yo go back,
checked if it was there but it was gone , no tracks,
I ran to my car and quickly got in,
I would never come back here, never again.

As I turned the ignition and started the car,
I noticed something waving, something afar.
the scarecrow was smiling and waving his hand,
and I quickly left this horrible farmland.

What was that behind me I looked in the mirror,
as a mysterious silhouette began to stir,
a loud chilling laugh mixed with my terrified cries,
as it impaled me straight through with a butchers knife.

I roam these lands waiting for my victims,
I dress up as a scarecrow ready to kill them,
I soaked up their fear, licked up their tears,
drank it all up like a bottle of beer.