

His Proposal

I used to make fun of yours,
Used to laugh at your kindness,
I have seen thousands of girls,with gorgeous eyes and beauty,
But never seen a glowing, soul and innocence as yours.
It's quite common for me to
make friends easily, and to flirt,
but never felt these feelings for anyone as I feel for you.
I was a cheerful guy with
lot of naughtiness, but I noticed lot of changes in me,
I realised my responsibilities and duties after I met you.
Was much surprised when u made friendship with me,
I think somewhere you trusted me the most,
Never wanted to lose your friendship in name of relationship
But Somewhere I lost Myself in you
In the process of trying to understand you
Scared to express my feelings for you
But somehow made it today I wann say u
In simple words 'Your My World'.

© @Nikki