

Full Eclipse
Full Eclipse
Is this the beginning of the end
The beginning of the reign of evil
It seems like this
Full Eclipse
Is the one that the prophecy talk about
We see leaders attack churches
Attacking morality
Attacking religion
Corrupting our children
Full Eclipse
Could be the beginning of something new
Something so evil
Something so deeply twisted
That even God cannot forgive
Full Eclipse
Shows darkness blocking light
Then the light takes back the sky
Our leader show us darkness
Every day they are in power
Full Eclipse
Shows how Good will triumph over Evil
God our Father is Raging
The Angels are crying
For what we are doing to ourselves
Full Eclipse
Is a final warning
Against the Dark
Against the fantasy world
We think we can live in
Against the corrupt leaders
Who damaged our young
With false narratives and false gods
Full Eclipse
Is our last warning that the new kingdom is on it way
This woke world is not here for long
It will fall apart soon enough
And evil will fail
Full Eclipse

© Robert prezioso