


In the realm of symbolic surreality, where shadows dance and colors bleed,
I wander through the corridors of my mind, lost in the labyrinth of my dreams.

Each step a whisper, each breath a sigh,
As I navigate the landscape of my imagination, where reality and fantasy intertwine.

Visions shimmer like mirages in the desert heat,
As I chase after fleeting truths that slip through my fingers like grains of sand.

Faces blur, identities shift,
In this ever-changing landscape where nothing is as it seems.

I reach out, but find only emptiness,
Grasping at illusions that dissolve like smoke in the wind.

Yet still I press on, driven by a hunger I cannot name,
For the secrets of the universe lie just beyond my grasp.

In the realm of symbolic surreality, where time stands still and space unfolds,
I am but a traveler, a seeker of truths untold.

And though the path may be fraught with shadows and uncertainty,
I will continue to journey forth, guided by the light of my own imagination.
© Desmond Bitrus.