

Toxic Relationship.
look at you you're out there crying your eyes,
You ventured into a relationship, thinking your partner loves you.
At first your partner did, but as times went by you saw a change.
The partner you once knew has turned to a heartless beast, your facing and going through trauma.

You try to tell yourself, no relationship is perfect.
Your blinded by the love you have got your partner, and you think your partner is going to change.
You feel without the person you can't live.
So you endure the toxicness of the relationship,
Your now a shadow of yourself, you act fine outside, but inside your dying.
Leave that toxic relationship.

All you want is happiness, to be loved back, to be seen and to be praised by your partners, to be cherished and adored.
Your really going out of your way to please that partner yet no result.

Darling do yourself a favour and quit.
Look at yourself, you desereve the best,
Love is a thing of joy not sorrow, You deserve a partner that respect you and cherish you.
That toxic partner won't change.

I know it hurt you don't want to let go, but your life and mental health is more important.
And you deserve the best, don't belittle yourself for anyone.
Stop that endless tears, stop that unnecessary suffering and endurance in that relationship.
Stand up and say no to a toxic relationship.

© Juliana world