

For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Because you told me it was right and I didn't know better,
Everyone just shrugged and kept using their spoons.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Everyone thought it was a spoon,
Guess I was blind too.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
One day I realized something wasn't right,
Eveyone had round spoons that picked up soup,
I had a pointy one that barely picked up anything at all.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Until one day I realized,
I'm supposed to have a spoon.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
No wonder I couldn't eat my soup properly,
I was given the wrong thing to get me through.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Until one day I said I needed a real spoon.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Until I finally broke and grabbed my own spoon.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
But when I grabbed a spoon they looked at me like I'm eating soup with a fork.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
Now I have my spoon.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
But now I have my spoon,
No matter how many weird looks I get
I now have my spoon.
For years I ate my soup with a fork,
I'll only ever be a spork,
But now I won't eat my soup with a fork.

© ●•ßugz{Før}Bra¡!ns•●