

Hey butterfly,
You mock me because I can't fly,
I see you when you come by,
Your wings coated with different colours combined,
White, black, blue, yellow,or wine,
but I only have one colour which is brown.

Hey butterfly,
you mock me because I can't reach the sky,
I built a plane yesterday but it crashed,
I saw the way you smiled and laughed,
Flapping your wings in front of my eyes,
You make me feel like am stuck to the ground.

Hey butterfly,
Always playing with your pals,
Chilling with your nectar when the sun becomes harsh,
I always see you and you never leave my sight,
You always make me feel alone and sad.

Hey butterfly,
Please teach me how to fly,
I heard you have a magic wand which you wave around,
Just say the words and I will have wings on my back,
I just want to spend some time in the sky.

© Deryl