

Days of Our Friendship...
Somedays I 'd promise on everything to be all sunshine,
Whereas the very next day I might forget and turn things blue...

Somedays I might be over possessive to call you mine,
Later the days, I would just run away from facing you...

Then there will be days, where I'm going all over supportive,
for the next days, I would leave you to be independent on your own...

Yes, most days would me all encouraging you, all active,
the less days, I would seek your help to solve all my problems unknown...

For days I would repent, the silly mistakes I made once,
And rest days I would trouble you to listen my rants all over again...

When some days, you will be tired of my complaints and lose patience,
Those days I would come by preparing a poem for you to win you again...

For days you have told me, you are not good at comforting me,
Still at lone days, I would just search for your arms for condolences...

All over the days, you have quite learned how to unlock my secrets being a key,
And those days I couldn't complaint less, for sharing my disturbances...

Many other days I would live for many other people, be for them,
And those days, thanks for understanding, standing behind me secretly, awaiting...

Mony of these days I can't promise you, to be the/to be my only friend,
But for these many days, I'm thankful enough for you to be a part of those whom I am relating...

One day, there might be a scenery for our friendship's departure,
That day, I hope, no misunderstanding but smiles could replace all tears...

These days, that we are together, I hope we collect all the memories,
For when that day will come, to say the goodbye, we would only be left to cherish our journeys...

© lost_within

(When I couldn't give her anything special for her birthday, I made my words to travel to her as my gift, thanks for being my closest friend...)
