

Earthworm Moon ...
I've returned.
aimlessly wandering
across the desolation plains
following the moon's circles
where only the coyotes and ravens live
I cannot eat here, I cannot starve
I cannot freeze in this deepest pocket of absolute zero
I am bound I like a senseless waveform

So, I follow the winding moon with the immortal creatures of the night
the moon passes, then it passes, and it passes again
sometimes I see a shimmering mirage dancing in the night sky
pointes pirouetting off into blackness
I imagine
her, in the spaces between the stars and the moon and me
faintly drawing circles
over the frozen tundra
once upon a time

A homecoming of arcane delights
a sea of growing bright burnt -orange
bristling poppies create the sun
and the ghostly moon
reveals ancient willow trees, we carve our names into
an inner light shines out
and the words emerge
like earthworms in green gras
and the sound of water rises from rivulets
and everywhere she dances
the Hummingbirds
and the butterflies
and the wild horses follow

their paintbrushes full of oils
recoloring the world.
© Shah Lubna