

When I die
please I beg don't cry
because this is where my spirit would be freed
trust me your tears would be in vain

When I close my eyes in death
and behind is this Earth
don't be filled with sorrow
for there is greater joy in the morrow

When my heart fails me
and my blood vessels grow old
don't sing our forefathers dirge
but embrace the fact that it was time

When my spirit flees to the great beyond
and my soul still roams above
don't be overshadowed by pain
because my spirit and soul is not disturbed

When my nostrils stops breathing
and I am proudly called a non-living
don't stand and mourn at my grave
because I witness joy and happiness here

When my lips speaks it's last words
and my teeth broken and scattered
don't say adieu or farewell
because now I am born as as immortal
© Isaac Jimoh Samuel