

I'm a sandwich, about to be eaten by the one I love. As she gently covered me with peanut butter, I blushed, she smiled with a delicious stare in her eyes. I asked "Why? Put honey on, not jelly. Ahhh no the jelly is cold!" I screamed as my crums rolled upwards with a shiver through my crust. It was as if she couldn't hear me. As I lay there with peanut butter on one side and jelly on the other, she did something terrible. She made my sides sandwich each other and she smiled and sang "Yum Yum in My Tum Tum." The terrifying song creeped into my heart and I realized I'm going to be eaten, so I cried. I was amazed at her clean white teeth. Before I entered her mouth, I said "Time will be my witness as today marks the day I became more than myself." My mind scattered, I thought to myself how could something so beautiful crush my existence into pieces. Then something dawned on me as I slid into her belly piece by piece, I'm going to die for the one I love to help keep her healthy and her belly warm. You've given me the honor of forever being yours, thank you for eating my heart.

© Process-12